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Preparing the Church to Help You Get Through Domestic Violence

Fighting Domestic Violence in the Community 

JBL MINISTRIES, INC., through cooperative relationships with Maryland Statewide organizations that deal with domestic violence, facilitates pastoral care programs and engages in community outreach activities to bring domestic violence awareness to a wider Christian audience within Harford County Maryland.

We orchestrate the creation of a ministry within our partner church and prepare its ministry members for providing pastoral care (limited advocacy, healing, deliverance, and restoration) to those who are in crisis.

Our programs facilitate Domestic Violence Awareness Training, Basic Crisis Response Training, Healthy Relationship Training for Teens and Adults, Informed Trauma Care Awareness Training, Adverse Childhood Events (ACE's) Awareness Training, as well as Healthy Self-Esteem Awareness Training for the partner church.

In addition, we provide Christian education on misinterpreted biblical references that have potentially provided a basis for the “power-and-control-over” phenomena, which is believed to be a root cause of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence.

JBL MINISTRIES, INC. also facilitates the creation of a policy statement on domestic violence tolerance that addresses accountability for clergy, lay leaders, and members who have been adjudicated as perpetrators of abuse.

Lastly, we create plans to incorporate domestic violence awareness into new members’ orientation and marriage counseling. The marriage counseling plan also includes a tool for the partner church, to help them evaluate the relationship’s potential for abuse.

Meet Our Founder


Rev. Janet Long is an ordained servant of Jesus Christ, called, anointed, and appointed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and has served the Church in various capacities for over 20 years. Rev. Long is currently experiencing life as a retired public servant after a rewarding career with the US Treasury Department spanning more than 34 years.

Rev. Long holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Drexel University, and she is a Magna Cum Laude Graduate of Payne Theological Seminary, where she earned her Masters of Divinity.

It was during her time in seminary that Rev. Long’s sensibilities to the ravaging effects of domestic violence on the Black Christian Faith community were awakened, so much so, that she wrote her thesis on the Black Christian Church’s moral obligation to help African American females who suffer domestic violence, in silence.

It was this heightened sense of awareness and thesis work that led Rev. Long to become a Helpline Volunteer at a Harford County Maryland based domestic violence organization [the Sexual Assault/Spousal Abuse Resource Center (SARC)]

As a volunteer for SARC, Rev. Long became acutely aware of the many facets of domestic and intimate partner violence and the many needs shared by its victims. Rev. Long felt she was led by God to get the Black Church more actively involved in the war on domestic and intimate partner violence.

To help prepare for this task, Rev. Long sought to increase her understanding of the subject and received certifications in Basic Crisis Response, Domestic Violence Awareness, Equipping Teens for Healthy Relationships, and the Intersection of Domestic Violence and
Human Trafficking.

Rev. Long’s seminary work, her ministry and experience as an ordained clergy in the Black Church, coupled with her domestic violence volunteer work and certifications, gave her a good foundation for establishing JBL MINISTRIES, INC.

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